OM CHARITY INDIA FOUNDATION with registered office at Bangalore , was started in the year of 2010 and got registered with HOME MINISTRY New Delhi to receive foreign donations for the Noble cause. in the year 2014.Mr. K. SETHURAMAN and Mr. B SWAMINATHAN both of them are the directors of this trust/ registered Under Sec 25 of the companies Act, A NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION to receive donations both from India and abroad and to utilise /disburse the amount as per the objectives set in Memorandum and Articles of Association.

The objectives are to utilise the amount received as Donations from India and Abroad, for the welfare of the society, to maintain traditional culture and also its sustainability. Vedic Studies and Vedic institutions and Vedic teachers are to be take care for their up lift.

Special children and grown up youth, such as Mentally retorted, physically handicapped , orphans, banished from their parents etc have to be focused for their BRIGHT FUTURE.Immediate attention also been given for GIRLS EDUCATION and poor ,downtrodden children . Each village to have Single Teacher School to educate the inner parts of the villages in India. Religious institutions are also taken care for their daily /routine rituals to be performed ,timely help is being extended.

Our Team






We present a team of learned, experienced and devoted persons under the leadership of the Managing Trustee are imparting Vedic Education in the Patasala There is also a proposal to include Srowtha classes which covers the performing of various rituals / Yagnas for the welfare of the manking and the world. Yagnas are to be performed strictly according to the system mentioned in the Vedas. Knowledge of performing the Yagnas and other rituals can be obtained only after studying the complete course in detail for which it takes a period of years to obtain mastery.

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