Gaushala meansthe abode or sanctuary for cows, calves and oxen. Apart from providing sanctuary, the Goshala also rescues the animals destined for illegal slaughter. The organization rescued wandering cows and reclaimed them to groom them in places called gaushalas.The Gaushalas are not only taking care of sick, abandoned cows, but are also helping the environment, and striving to provide many resources to the surrounding community.Gaushalas are protective shelters for cows in India. Goshalas focus on treating cows well, because of their religious significance in Hinduism and consequent cultural sensitivity towards their welfare. Where Cows are truly respected like Mother…Where Cows are saved from slaughtering…

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Sri Gokulam Gaushala is located on the banks of river Kaveri, in the holy town of Govindapuram. It is built on 20 acres of land and shelters more than 600 cows of which around 450 are Indian breeds. A nearby region is used to grow a special variety of grass, specifically for these cows. This special fodder helps in maintaining the general health of the cows and also improves the milk yield. Another Gaushala is also being erected in the vicinity to house more cows and to provide better infrastructure.