- Rennovation Of Old Temples
- Veda Samrakshanam
- Gho Samrakshanam.
Om CHARITY INDIA FOUNDATION BANGALORE have disbursed in stages to stapathy for the new chariot for kumbakonam kumbeswarar Temple and on 22nd Feb it has run VELLOTTAM 0n 4th Mar 2023 it will have theroottam All is possible with your guidance and contious support to us
Video For Kumbakonam Kumbeswarar Vellottam
Old and depleted condition temples are taken up for renovation also participates in the ongoing project,various temples have been undertaken and also their priests monthly pension scheme also implemented depending upon the donation received from the donors. The objectives are to utilise the amount received as Donations from India and Abroad, for the welfare of the society, to maintain traditional culture and also its sustainability. Vedic Studies and Vedic institutions and Vedic teachers are to be take care for their up lift.
Support and Sustain any activity which is in line with the basic principles of "SANATHANA DHARMAM" which MahaPeriyava has envisaged.
The Vedas that Constitute the Scripture common to all and which reveal the Godhead that is common to us also teach, us, how to lead, our life, and – this is important – they do us the ultimate good by showing us in the end the way to become that very Godhead ourselves. They are our refuge both here and the hereafter and are the source and root of all our different traditions – all our systems of thought.
The Vedas are the source not only for the various divisions of Hinduism, but also for all the religions of the world that may be traced back to them. It is our bounden duty to preserve them for all time to come with their glory undiminished.
The Agama Patasala or school of Agamic study is the traditional context for the preservation of the Vedic culture and recitation. In modern India the Agama Patasala system is rapidly disappearing as fewer young people pursue these studies and also traditional sources of funding diminished.